Saturday, November 28, 2009

semi-interesting. (:

well i'm really bored to the point where i'm as bored as you can get, or probably miles past that. hm, well i'm at work so that explains that. so, i'll do something close to exciting. i'll blog about a really gay youtube video. well, the one i found wasn't gay. but it was kinda interesting. and i have to stay on topic, so it's about vegetarians, haha. i write a lot of stuff about vegetarianism. it gets boring after a while, doesn't it?

i'm such a disappointment to the world. (x

ahh, so i haven't gotten time to blog in a while. thanksgiving went pretty smooth, my mom put chicken in practically everything and was kindasorta really mad that i wasn't planning on eating it haha. and we've been arguing all weekend except yesterday they finally broke and decided that we're going to make more vegetarian foods at home and they'll respect my decision :D woo, haha. i don't really understand why it matters much to them but yeah. i don't have much of a reason for this blog but let's see where it goes? ha. uhm, i guess i'm not in a very beinterestingforthesakeofhavingpeoplereadyourblogorifyoustopbeinginterestingthey'llstopreadingyoursuperlameblogs mood but yeah, so i guess i'll post a semi-interesting blog later. i won't even tell people to read this, it would be so disappointing. ha. it's not even worthy of a LOL anywhere in this paragraph. it was just so bland and boring. im sorry :( haha.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

it's like a hearty bowl of "I'mSoPathetic" soup. (:

did i just relate a blog to a food? hahahaha. well anyways..
have you ever been in SO much pain, that nobody you know can help you feel better? but there's always your bestfriend. the one that can make you laugh and forget all of your problems, and smile when you've been crying for hours. these are the kinda people that hit you hardest when they leave you. i guess this is really off-topic considering all my blogs are about going vegetarian, but i need to tell SOMEONE, who'll just shut up and listen and not give me pity words, like "ohh, im sorry". thats really irritating even though i'll assume you're trying to help. austin, my exbestfriend you could say? was more of a "penpal" figure then a real best friend because i'd never met him in real life. he lives in eastern washington, so yeah. i realize how extremely pathetic this blog is, but go fuck yourself. i could care less, i'll probably end up deleting it later anyways. but yeah, he was like my other half, the kind of person you'd feel lost without. i have no idea why, but all of a sudden he deleted me from myspace but not facebook and he refused to return my texts or calls. i know he's been busy, he's been in drama and plays and stuff, but i'm pretty sure he hates me for some unknown reason now. i mean, he doesn't even have the decency to tell me WHY he hates me. so i could stop thinking about it every minute of every day. like FUCK, i wish i could hate him. i hate him so much but everything i do reminds me of him and how much better my life would be if i had him to talk to. this is the part where i start bawling like a psychotic freak. he's the kind of best friend that doesn't bullshit you, he tells you like it is. he gives you ACTUAL help rather than feeling sorry for you. he'll stay up until 5 in the morning with you because you had problems with a stupid boy. i've never met anyone that nice. he made me laugh like no other, in like 3 months, he was closer to me than any family. i guess this was like a one-sided relationship because he didn't really consider me a bestfriend. he'd say it, but he didn't mean it as much as i did. he even had the guts to PROMISE we'd always be bestfriends. i guess i'm more of the loser, because it sounds like i went overboard with the whole bfffff thing. but i didn't even notice. i can't help it, i guess. he was that one person that would make time to help you out. he was just overall incredible and to this day, i've never met anyone like him, and i don't think its possible to ever find somebody like him. i've tried but simply nobody matches up to him. i think that's all i needed to get out and hopefully i'll get over him easier. he was gay, so i'm not trying to make it sound like i was in love with him. i just loved him a lot, like without him i feel as if i can't work or live like i used to. how cliche does that sound? ha. "i can't function properly without him" is one way of putting it, but that's cliche too. idk, i just hope i feel better getting all of this out. that's pretty much the only point to this post. holy shit, fourth post today haha. but its 12am, so i guess this would be the first post of thursday? lol. i post too many blogs. (:

obsessive texting disorder O:

yeah, so i think i owe you guys a really long blog post. (: or, guy. i don't even know who reads my blogs considering nobody considers giving me any comments or such. loserrrs. i hate you all. or you. hah, justkidding. have you ever noticed my blogs are like, me having a conversation with myself? i guess i do that a lot. today, i asked nicole if she was staying for lunch but she didn't text back. little did i know, she doesn't get service in baumstark's class. O: so, i was pretty bored in frerich's class cuz it was only a 25 minute class (stupid half days) and i decided to text her while having a conversation with myself. HUGE mistake. i ended up sending forty some texts and at lunch, she was still receiving them. and.. she was yelling. D: it was terrible. have you ever seen nicole when she's mad? it's horrifying. don't ever piss her off. oh, otherwise, today sucked balls. like major, huge, gay man's balls. hahaha. uhhm, 25 minute classes, a really sad assembly which i almost cried at O: and a really gay ICE test. like honestly, who took it seriously? but yeah, my brother got to skip and i learned that i should've too. the gayest day ever, no exaggeration. but what are you guys, or person, doing for thanksgiving? maybe you should LEAVE ME A COMMENT. HINT, HINT. or you could just like, uhh, i dunno, LEAVE ME A COMMENT? or.. if you don't want to, you could most definitely LEAVE ME A COMMENT. (: but yeah i think that's the end of this blog. i'm running outta ideas, haha. i'll try to be more interesting next time, like i always say :P


how about, we not beat chickens with metal rods?

alright so i couldn't help myself and i saw another horrible video. it's terrifying, really. imagine if chicken's ruled the world and did that to us? O.o jk, that wouldn't happen, i sound like a psychotic vegetarian now. but really, how cruel. i went to and there's like tons of stuff i didn't know about animals. and apparently, only COMPASSIONATE people go vegetarian. haha. nicole, this is not for you. :P jkjk. (x


happy thanksgiving, guys. (:

so i don't really have time to make a huge, long ass post. i just really wanted to post this video up. (: uhm, the whole vegetarian thing is going pretty swell. there's like no vegetarian options at our school so sometimes all i eat is salad D: haha. super lame, but yeah. my parents aren't so glad i decided to go vegetarian.. but let's see how that goes? lol. uhm, yeah, so just watch this hilarious video. (:


'Grace': PETA's Thanksgiving ad

Sunday, November 22, 2009

can you say, ugly tranny that i thought was a hot guy which i really regret now? lmao.

mm, so when i let my brother read my first blog, he pointed out the fact that we don't salivate at the sight of broccoli either. -_- well i guess he has a point there but scientists have proven from our DNA or something that we were meant to be herbivores? but frankly, i'm sick of thinking up all these facts. if you don't agree, go fuck a dyke. :D aha, well anyways, nicole's making a blog too, and she's going vegetarian too. (: haha, i didn't make this blog because of vegetarianism and all that. i made it because i get bored and i like people reading my thoughts, haha. but yeah, read her blog too. :D its efffin hilarious. and omfg, watch the video that i hope i can add to this but i'm not exactly computer-smart.. at all, so let's see if i can get it? lol. that girl gives vegetarians a bad name.
holy fucking shit!
i wrote so much and it's alllllll gone D:
ugh, stupid
i give up.
you never get to read that huge paragraph cuz is fucking gay.
i'm pissed cuz that's like the third time i re-wrote it >_>
i need to stop cussing. O:
well this is all that was saved:
and sadly, i'll never get those four minutes of my life back, EVER.
stupid whore >_>
haha, jk.
but that was stupid, no?
well, i have a life to get back to. (sike.)
so i'll do another blog like tomorrow or something, with hopefully something interesting to say :P
sudipti (: